101 Things That I’m Grateful For

My eyes¹, my ears², my mouth, and my nose³
My head all the way down to my toes⁴

A heart to love⁵, and a brain to think

About whatever seems interest-ing⁶

The chance to past on knowledge⁷ and genes⁸

The ability to stand up for what I believe⁹

Education¹⁰, my sister¹¹, and my mother-tongue¹²,

Photos¹³ and stories from when I was young¹⁴

A home¹⁵, flowers¹⁶, shoes on my feet¹⁷

A bamboo toothbrush to clean my teeth¹⁸

Aeroplanes¹⁹, waterfalls²⁰, oxygen²¹ and land²²

Spontaneous adventures that were never planned²³

Two parents that are still together²⁴

And the ever-changing unpredictable weather²⁵

Fruit²⁶, insects²⁷, children²⁸ and healing²⁹

Listeners³⁰, consciousness³¹, peace³² and feelings³³

Camp fires³⁴, oat milk³⁵, warmth during the cold³⁶,

Australia³⁷, soul mates³⁸, watching history unfold³⁹

School⁴⁰, public transport⁴¹, mangoes⁴² and teachers⁴³

Music⁴⁴, family⁴⁵, festivals⁴⁶ and beaches⁴⁷

Womanhood⁴⁸, the opportunity to travel⁴⁹, and second hand stores⁵⁰

Strangers that have opened their hearts⁵¹ and their doors⁵²

Farmers who grow the crops that I can-not⁵³

Swimming⁵⁴, smiles⁵⁵ and serene camping spots⁵⁶

Meditation⁵⁷, yoga⁵⁸, my mum⁵⁹ and my dad⁶⁰

All the people that make me happy when I’m sad⁶¹

Fresh food to eat⁶², change⁶³, and heaven on earth⁶⁴

Sand⁶⁵, gardens⁶⁶, and waves to surf⁶⁷

Different cultures⁶⁸, languages⁶⁹ and places⁷⁰

Cuisines⁷¹, animals⁷², emotions⁷³ and faces⁷⁴

Dresses⁷⁵, the sun⁷⁶, the moon⁷⁷, and the stars⁷⁸

The ability to connect with loved ones from miles a part⁷⁹

Trees⁸⁰, forests⁸¹, the ocean⁸², and the breeze⁸³

The ability to manifest all of my dreams⁸⁴

Birds⁸⁵, rainbows⁸⁶ and growth after rain⁸

Self-forgiveness⁸⁸ and joy after pain⁸⁹

Banana farms⁹⁰, water⁹¹, and hugs⁹²

Bees⁹³, butterflies⁹⁴ and bugs⁹⁵

The ability to walk⁹⁶, dance⁹⁷ and sing⁹⁸

Life⁹⁹, death¹⁰⁰ and all that lies in between¹⁰¹

– brb

Written on 10th July 2019, to reflect artistically on what I am grateful for.

What are you grateful for?

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