Creation > Consumption

30 April 2020 I love reading… So naturally, when #stayhome was announced, I bought 20 ebooks and jumped on my favourite train. Every day I read for at least 5 hours, alternating between 2 or 3 books. I’d stop a couple of times to make a smoothie or stretch my body, but other than thatContinueContinue reading “Creation > Consumption”

101 Things That I’m Grateful For

My eyes¹, my ears², my mouth, and my nose³ My head all the way down to my toes⁴ A heart to love⁵, and a brain to think About whatever seems interest-ing⁶ The chance to past on knowledge⁷ and genes⁸ The ability to stand up for what I believe⁹ Education¹⁰, my sister¹¹, and my mother-tongue¹², Photos¹³ContinueContinue reading “101 Things That I’m Grateful For”

19 Years in 19 Sentences

I don’t remember my entry into this world, the first time I stood on the land, or the moment my family became four. But I do remember finding cicadas in the garden, making mud pies, and not having a bedroom door. I remember riding my bike around the yard until it was boring, and stuffingContinueContinue reading “19 Years in 19 Sentences”

Viva de España: My Updated Thoughts

I’ve been living in Spain for 2 months now, and I absolutely love it. I love the people, the language, the landscape and the way of life – it all really appeals to me. Now that summer and holiday season is here, the good vibes have definitely intensified. My host brother and sister have finishedContinueContinue reading “Viva de España: My Updated Thoughts”

Viva de España: My First Impressions

Bon dia amigos! ¿Que tal? Estoy muy bien. Hooray for three weeks of living in the beautiful country of Spain! I am so grateful to be amidst the rich culture, language, food and history that this place has to offer. Travelling Europe has been a dream of mine for quite some time so I amContinueContinue reading “Viva de España: My First Impressions”

Amenorrhea Recovery: how I got my period back

The universe is a mysterious giver of life and wonderful experiences. She is vast, extraordinary and unpredictable. Through my healing, she has called me to open up and share my recovery story in the hope that others find the courage to embark on a healing journey well. *** The 2nd of May 2019 was anContinueContinue reading “Amenorrhea Recovery: how I got my period back”

Why I don’t eat animals

To celebrate two years of vegan living, I share a few words on why I believe a plant based, cruelty-free lifestyle was intended for mankind. Like us, animals are sacred beings that deserve to live wholesome, peaceful lives. Almost all species endured a life on Earth long before we did; they are what our ancestorsContinueContinue reading “Why I don’t eat animals”

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